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          Ambition, determination, and faith are truly the keys to your success. Currently entering my sophomore year at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, I can easily attest to this statement. In high school I became a leader. I actively participated in my student government association, key club, as well as cheerleading. When it came to academics, I was always at the top of my class. Since Jr. High school I knew it was extremely important for me to study a subject that would eventually lead me to a career in which I would be able to give back by educating the community and serving the public. Eventually I came across studying Food & Nutritional Science. With this mission at the forefront of my thoughts, I did my research and conducted a list of schools that would potentially interest me and cater to my dreams. It was no surprise that by winter of my senior year I had already received acceptance into my number one school. Before I knew it I was off to college. The transition was not an easy one, but it was a challenge I was willing to accept. I knew that this opportunity would bring me one step closer to achieving my dreams.  

        Today, my dreams are slowly becoming my reality. I have already been acknowledged on numerous accounts for my active participation in organizations around campus as well as excellent academic achievements. I currently withhold a summer intern position with the United States Department of Agriculture, in their Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion division. I know that it was my ambition, determination and faith that brought me thus far, and the same will keep me pressing forward. At the end of the day, as long as you put your best foot forward, and keep God your number one priority, you are destined for success.