J.L. Greenhill’s Second Natural Hair Book! The World Needs to Hear You!


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J.L. Greenhill’s next book will provide the public with insight on the individual (YOU) behind the journey of deciding to go back to your natural strand. Her focus is to make the public aware that deciding to return to our natural strand is a personal decision and not just a fad.

If you or someone you know would be interested in sharing your/their story with the masses, please email your contact information to Jennifer@MyNaturalStrand.com

J.L. Greenhill’s Second Natural Hair Book! The World Needs to Hear You!

We had a great year Stand4UrStrand! 2012 In Review


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The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 2,300 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 4 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

While Your Purpose Alarm Is Going Off, You Are Pressing SNOOZE


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       This article is geared mostly toward young adults. However there is an old adage that states ‘we are all in this together,’ so technically this article has no age limit. I propose, if we continue to express the habit of procrastination in something as small as delaying the time we are supposed to awake in the morning on a consistent basis, there is a chance this behavior may spill over into our daily lives, or even our overall mind-set.

Many wonder why it so easy for us to procrastinate about just everything we do. Why is it so hard for us to actually start a task at the proper time? Why does it take so long for us to get on board with what we think is right, only waiting for the ‘right time’ to make a decision? What makes us want to put off a project up until the deadline, to only rush through and present average work? What makes us not want to speak up when we know our words are so powerful and our statement just might change the world?

If you had an answer for all of the questions stated above, then you are in good shape. Before I started this mentoring initiative, there was always a faint urge to do something great with the youth in my community and potentially all over the world. As time went on that urge began to ring louder and louder in my mind and heart. It was my “Purpose Alarm.” Even though I had an inkling of what I should be doing, I decided it just wasn’t time for that phase yet. That was me pressing the “SNOOZE” button on my life. There were periods where my purpose was very loud and clear, and times where it was very silent and hazy. During this time my purpose was not being fulfilled and I realized I wanted to enlarge my territory in search of a greater responsibility. That was my wake up call. So when ever my “Purpose Alarm” sounded off I took every opportunity to listen and get something done toward my goal. I did not dare press SNOOZE! I did not know what my “Purpose Alarm” would bring but I did not want to miss out. I know in my heart that my “Purpose Alarm” is God doing His very best to keep me on track and for that I am so grateful.


The moral of this article? The biggest picture someone can imagine is composed of the tiniest details. Try to limit all procrastination for a week and see how productive you can be! The alarm clock was one example among many. You can even document what procrastinating behavior you attacked to challenge yourself for the possibility of the next one that might hinder you from getting to where you want to be. There is no telling what we all are capable of, but without procrastination, the sky is truly the limit.


“ILMNS” Spotlight Sorority Edition: Many Imitate…


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Chavall Jene’ Church

“Create with Excellence”

Ms. Chavall Church is a proud Prince Georges County native. At the tender age of 3, she embarked on her journey to become the dancer she is today. Receiving initial training from Linda Natoli Studio of Dance in ballet, tap, jazz and modern and furthering her dance education in hip hop, lyrical and theater through multiple studios, professional workshops, classes, college courses and dance teams. Educated through the Archdiocese of Washington, Ms. Church graduated from Bishop McNamara High School in 2004, where she ended her six-year basketball career, to follow her love for dance and serve as captain of her dance team. She progressed to higher education at Towson University where she graduated cum laude in Spring 2009 with a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication/Public Relations. During her time at Towson University  along with her education; Ms. Church found her niche and prides herself on founding the first hip hop dance team in Towson’s history, titled the “SOUL dance team” in 2005.

Ms. Church strongly believes in her passion and creativity and therefore loves to perform and inspire through dance. She has performed at numerous venues and shows such as: The Capitol in Washington DC, Showtime at the Apollo, the Harlem Nutcracker, television commercials, countless competitions, pageants, programs, churches, sport arenas and more! Her goal is not to solely entertain, but to succeed in spilling her passion into the minds of others while encouraging them to go after their own goals. Within her  countless years of teaching and nine years of professional choreography, Ms. Church has grown to  value each dancer she comes across and intends to teach and create movement that will enhance each dancers love for their craft in a unique way.

Recently, Ms. Church has teamed up with long time friend and dance colleague Audrey Medley from Temple Hills, MD to form Prodigy Performance Group. This group was created to serve youth from ages 10 – 17 in the art of dance. We focus on the foundation of the prestigious art form of dance along with the thrill of performing. The two colleagues encourage their students to embrace their natural ability to move…with a little “tweak”.  Prodigy Performance Group is only the beginning… there is so much more brewing under these creative minds!

Prodigy Performance Dance Groups’ debut showcase will include an estimate of 25 performers ranging from the ages of 7 to 17. For more information please contact the following:

Chavall Church at 301-922-9465/Chavall.Church@gmail.com or Audrey Medley at 301-219-8072/Medley2686@gmail.com or both founders at Ambychun@gmail.com.

*Create with Excellence*

Vision: Sharing Moment With Youth


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The RSCOGIC Youth “Daring To Be Different” Department presents the 2012 Youth Crusade


After being asked to speak at the RSCOGIC Youth Academic And Achievement Awards Night, I began to reflect. “How have I managed to get where I am today and still have my focus on fulfilling the plan God has for my life? Not wanting to be the center-of-attention for too long, how can I make this short and sweet? What do I have to say to the youth of today?”

This is what I cam up with:

Fresh out of college I began to seek out wisdom to figure out my purpose in this life. During that time I began a fast lasting a month, asking for wisdom to distinguish my purpose, and guidance for the execution of my purpose. At the end of my fast I was given a visualization to capture the stories of women of color with natural hair. With me being natural I knew the significance of the vision immediately.

Since 2011, my vision has been that every woman realize and enjoy her own natural potential. With a natural hair movement again on the rise, women know now that their “black is beautiful”, but I would like to add that “natural is beautiful.”

Spinning off from the vision of my book I began a mentoring organization called Stand4UrStrand, Inc. which offers opportunities (for the youth and adults) to be a part of community service projects that emphasize the importance of character building and leadership development.

And at the end of every event we have, we pass out our “I Love My Natural Strand” buttons. Everyone wearing the ILMNS button show that they are supporters of the Stand4UrStrand message; We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities one student at a time. The ILMNS buttons have been requested from various locations such as: Virginia, Florida, California, Texas, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Lebanon, United Kingdom, and Canada.

I would like to leave you with this:

If God lays something on your heart to do, it is your responsibility to put it into action the best way you know how. But don’t worry, He won’t give you more than you can handle.

 I will be handing out buttons at the end of the program. I look forward to what God has in store for this organization and the people it will touch.  I would like to thank my family, my church family and the Helen Jo Ann King Committee for believing in the youth in this church. Thank you.

I am not sure what God has in store for me and for this organization, but whatever it is, I know it will be awesome. All glory goes to Him. 

Contemplate: Inner Goddess


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Nubian Twist.

What can I say about my experience? This hair style has opened my eyes to a whole new world (like Aladdin.) While looking for a hairstyle that had an artsy flare, I decided on Nubian Twist to do the trick. Looking at tutorials and practicing on my own hair I finally completed the look. Eight hours later, and seeing my reflection in the mirror of my work, something just didn’t feel right. The hairstyle did not feel right, look right, or flow right with my inner-self. It just occurred to me that this hair style was not for me and didn’t suite my natural strand.  As I contemplated the work I just put into my hair, I began to wonder if this same situation may happen with women wanting to go and or return to their natural hair. Are they going natural to obtain a certain look or are they going natural to seek personal growth? Either road you take is going to be an experience you will remember forever. After my Nubian Twist experience, I further understand the meaning of a fad and life-long commitment. The Nubian Twist represented the fad. It was a new experience worth trying, but the end result wasn’t what I had envisioned. This feeling surprised me because I absolutely LOVE Nubian Twist. However, my decision to keep my natural hair is a life-long commitment. It just feels right in my heart and my inner goddess. Whatever style you are going for, let it be because it feels right in your heart and not because it is popular.

 A novel idea that has no value is a fad. An idea that is original and useful is a true creative breakthrough.

My Beautiful Natural Strand

My Beautiful Nubian Twist

Recap: The Stand4UrStrand Team at the “Girl Talk” session


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Stand4urStrand, Inc recently led the “Girl Talk” session at Usama Young’s 4th Annual Stay Focused Football & Cheer Camp on June 30th.

It was awesome! We can not wait to see the great things this football and cheer camp has in store for next year!

After learning the Wobble, the Stand4UrStrand Team presented the girls with a thought-provoking activity. After our team shared our social struggles in high school, what we loved about ourselves during our teenage years and how we felt about our current self-image, we were able to effectively break the generational communication barrier. Then the girls were put into groups, where each group had to come up with an inspirational word and then turn that word into an acronym. While each team explained why they chose each word in their acronym, those very words began to develop a new meaning. The saying is, ‘as long as it is not your parents telling you, then it will sink in.’ We believe the girls waked away from “The Girl Talk” session enlightened.

“The Girl Talk” Team included:

Rosamond Dixon

Jessica Greenhill

Audrey Johnson

Jade Greenhill

Charisse Licourish

Janai Greenhill

Aura Gutierrez

Avery Jones

Jennifer Greenhill

Inspire! Rock on!

These are the words the girls chose! Autographed by the girls!

Community Youth Fest 2012: June 30th


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When: JUNE 30, 2012

Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm

Where: Refreshing Spring Church of God in Christ

                6200 Riverdale Road, Riverdale, MD 20737


Community Fest 2012 Includes:

First Time Homebuyer Workshops

Children and Youth Pavilion

Food and Craft Vendors

Free Food Giveaways

Health Pavillion with Free Screenings

Financial Literacy Workshops

Community Village

Amazing Rides

You do not want to miss out on all this fun! Bring your youth out to this event and have a great time!

“ILMNS” Spotlight Sorority Edition! The First and The Finest!


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Aura Gutierrez

In one word: Legendary! It’s not about the fame or how many honors you receive but about the foot prints you leave behind.  What matters the most to me is how many people I can inspire; how many people can view me as a role model. Through always giving thanks to God and trusting that things will happen as they are destined to; by acknowledging the positive in negative situations, and being surrounded by positive and uplifting people such as my family and friends.

I would like inspire young women by sharing my story of how I got to where I am now and how I intend to achieving my future goals.  Also, I would like to mentor young girls to understand their struggles and areas of need in order to assist them in fulfilling their goals.  I plan on starting a mentoring program that will target young ladies in High School that come from low-income homes and aid them in researching for scholarships, expanding their social and cultural awareness, and becoming educated professional young women. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated has been a perfect model for my future endeavors.

My education includes:

Undergraduate Studies: May 2008 received a Bachelors of Science (BS) in Business Administration with a concentration in Management from Bowie State University.

Graduate Studies: June 2012 received a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from University of Maryland University College.

Inspire! Rock On!

Dance Training for Ages 7-17


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Message from Prodigy Performance Dance Group:

This summer, Chavall Church and Audrey Medley will be conducting a 7 week dance intensive class by the name of “Prodigy Performance Dance Group”. The classes will run for 2 hours every Saturday for 7 weeks.
We will concentrate heavily on traditional dance technique and hip hop movement, and finally at the end of the 7 weeks there will be a showcase.
Please think really hard about any child  ages 7 – 17  that may have a dance training or just a “natural ability to move” please forward this email to their parents.

Email: Ambychun@gmail.com

Phone: 301.922.9465 or 301.219.8072